Univ. Prof. Dr. Maximilian Moser
Tel.: +43-3172-44111-21
Fax: +43-3172-44111-11
Main Responsibilities
head of Institute of Health Technology and Prevention Research
sleep research
stress and recovery research
autonomic regulation
Dr. Moser studied biology and medical sciences at the University of Graz, where he was awarded PhD in 1980. After post-doc work in biomedical engineering at the University of Virginia he habilitated in physiology in the medical faculty of Graz in 1990. During that time and during the following years Moser co-directed a research team that performed several medical experiments with an Austrian and with Russian cosmonauts in the space station MIR. Within the framework of this research new methods to determine autonomic circulatory regulation were developed. In the JOANNEUM RESEARCH Institute of Noninvasive Diagnosis in Weiz/Austria the knowledge gained here was implemented in public projects in the clinical field, in stress and sleep research as well an in preventive medicine.
Until 2010 head of Institute of Noninvasive Diagnosis, JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsges.mbH in Weiz.
Since the institute was founded in 2010 Managing Director of the Institute of Health Technology and Prevention Research, HUMAN RESEARCH Weiz..
Attinger Award, University of Virginia
Teaching activity
Chronobiology and Chronomedicine (Med. University Graz and University Klagenfurt), Balneology (Med. University Graz), Medical Physiology – Exercises (Med. University Graz), Physiological Psychology (University Klagenfurt), University of Virginia
A medical report from the stone age?
Auswirkung der balneologischen Rehabilitation in Althofen I
Auswirkung der balneologischen Rehabilitation in Althofen II
AUVA-Präventionsprojekt PFLEGEfit
Beitrag zum Skriptum der 28. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und Orthopädische Chirurgie
Cancer and rhythm
Changes of respiratory sinus arrhythmia during the menstrual cycle depend on average heart rate
Does Poetry Make The Heart Grow?
EQUAL: Endbericht / Handbuch PflegeFit
Evaluation der Auswirkungen eines Zirbenholzumfeldes auf Kreislauf, Schlaf, Befinden und vegetative Regulation
Evaluationsverfahren für die Qualitätssicherung im Bereich der Wasserwirkforschung
Gesundes Schwingen
Hat die Tagesrhythmik einen Einfluss auf die Krebsentstehung und deren Behandlung?
Heart Rate Variability as a Prognostic Tool in Cardiology
How Homer Helps Your Heart
Im Rhythmus der Landschaft
Impedance defined flow generalisation of William Harvey’s concept of the circulation – 370 years later
Increased heart rate in depressed subjects in spite of unchanged autonomic balance?
Influence of age on the parasympatholytic property of tricyclic antidepressants
Jede Krankheit ein musikalisches Problem
On a Landscape’s Atmospheric Impact
Oscillations of heart rate and respiration synchronize during poetry recitation
Phase- and Frequency Coordination of Cardiac and Respiratory Function
Psychophysiologische Effekte atmosphärischer Qualitäten der Landschaft
Relief of symptoms in female patients with a hypotensive symptom complex treated with Cardiodoron® – results of a randomized double-blind controlled study
Rhythmologische Messungen bei einer Patientin mit Post-ERCP-Pankreatitis und schwerer Sepsis mit Critical Illness Polyneuropathie im Verlauf
Schulsupport: Wissenschaftlich begleitetes LehrerInnen-Training zum besseren Umgang mit Stress in der Schule
Short-term effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields after physical exercise are dependent on autonomic tone before exposure
The Symphony of Life – Importance, Interaction and Visualization of Biological Rhythms
Tunnelstudie – Forschungsprojekt: Physiologische Evaluation von Beanspruchung durch HRV-Analyse
Untersuchungen zur Physiologie des Nogier-Reflexes
Why life oscillates – from a topographical towards a functional chronobiology
Wie das Leben klingt
Wirkungen der Therapeutischen Sprachgestaltung auf Herzfrequenz-Variabilität und Befinden
X Marks the spot
Zur therapeutischen Wirkung der Landschaft
Ötzi the Iceman – did he practice acupuncture 5000 years ago?